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Years 7 and 8

The aim of this activity is to explore the extent of ethical obligation and implications for thinking about consequences and duties in decision-making and action.


Students will watch a video describing the responsibilities of a Wildlife Victoria Emergency Response Operator and Human-Wildlife Conflicts Research Assistant where they will answer questions based on it. They will then access a data map where they will create a graph based on the information it provides. 

You Yangs Regional Park  Photo credit: Monique Czaczun

Years 9 and 10

The aim of this activity is for students to discuss issues raised by thinking about consequences and duties, in approaches to decision-making and action, and arguments for and against these approaches. 

Students will be comparing Victoria Wildlife data by making graphs to examine the causes of wildlife conflict. They will then customise their own map using the same data, to pinpoint the areas with the most rescues. 

What can we do to reduce human-wildlife conflict?

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