Valuable Resources
Maroondah Reservoir Park Photo credit: Monique Czaczun
We would like to acknowledge and thank Wildlife Victoria for supplying their research data to us.
Their data has been used to facilitate our activities, below is the research Map they've supplied us as well as many more valuable resources for students and teachers.
Remember if you find an injured animal report it to wildlife emergencies by contacting 03 8400 7300.
Wildlife Victoria Map:
This map highlights geographically the wildlife conflicts of different species from 2000-2019.
Follow the link to use the interactive map where you can select a specific year, species, status, cause type or service providers to see the associated cases.
Wildlife Victoria Statistics:
The following images are visual science communication posters that report Wildlife Victorias data in Warrnambool, Geelong and Burwood. It reports key information about what is affecting Victorian Wildlife including the wildlife impacted, types or impacts and incident numbers. These posters were created by Dr Adam Cardilini's SciComm students from Deakin University.
Wildlife Fact Sheets:
Find these useful fact sheets, wildlife information signs as well as letters which you can advocate for wildlife in the following link:
Helpful Videos:
Find 'How to Help' videos similar to this one through the following link or on Wildlife Victorias Youtube Channel.
Find the following interactive statistics and more through the link:
Register your schools interest in the Wildlife Victoria Education Program/
Wildlife Victoria offer interactive educational sessions for primary and secondary students that showcase our native fauna found in our own backyards, along with the challenges animals can faces, while also informing young people about what steps they can take to help an animal in crisis.
Follow the link for more information:

Image Attribution:
Koala Queensland Road signs in Australia Warning sign Traffic sign, koala, mammal, driving, animals png
Magpie by
Wallaby by
Seal by
Possum by
Penguin by
Echidna by Evgeni Moryakov from the Noun Project
Australia by Andrejs Kirma from the Noun Project
Rat by parkjisun from the Noun Project
Cockatoo by Jamie Rothwell from the Noun Project
Parrot by ProSymbols from Noun Project.
Tawny Frogmouth by Matt Wilkins from
Wild Animals by Microsoft Powerpoint
Displaced animals by Microsoft Powerpoint
Disease by Microsoft Powerpoint- Icons
Whipping Man by
Building by
Hatching Chick by Rakhmat Setiawan from the Noun Project
Scribble by Zach Bogart from the Noun ProjectOil Spill by Luis Prado from Noun Project.
Extreme weather by
App by LAFS from Noun Project.
Dog on Leash by Luis Prado from Noun Project.
Cat Bell by Llisole from Noun Project.
Road Sign by Made x Made from Noun Project.
Trash by David from Noun Project.
Document by Pauline from Noun Project.