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Kinglake National Park Photo credit: Monique Czaczun

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Native Victorian Wildlife are faced with many human-wildlife conflicts due to urban sprawl (rapid expansion of cities and towns). How are organisations and individuals working to prevent and help wildlife from human related conflicts? 

There are two parts to your activity.  In your activities you will be exploring ethical decision making and actions in wildlife conflicts. You'll learn more about the roles and organisations involved in wildlife conflicts and investigate real life data used by these organisations. Your first activity involves learning background information about Wildlife Victoria. This will be especially important if you're interested in exploring a career involved in Wildlife!

For your second activity you will become a Wildlife Conflict Researcher for Wildlife Victoria, accessing their real life data and investigating any trends. 

ACTIVITY 1: Please watch the following video of Dr. Elodie Camprasse; a Wildlife Victoria Emergency Response Operator and Human Wildlife Conflicts Research Assistant. Make sure to access the question sheet and complete your answers after the video. 

ACTIVITY 2: Now that you have some background knowledge, you will be working for Wildlife Victoria to interpret their data for them as a researcher. 


Click this link: 

This webpage will allow you to view the rescues of wildlife from different areas of Victoria; curated by Wildlife Victoria over the years. Click the link for more information on the map. 

Choose one of the past 5 years from the map and find the top 5 suburbs which have the most cases. The suburbs should appear in the brightest red colour and you will see the number of incidents when you hover your mouse over them. 

Create a bar graph comparing the number of incidents from each 

What can we do to reduce human-wildlife conflict?

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